Seilda Baishakov: "Everyone should do his job"

- Only the specialists who have worked in this field for many years has the right to discuss and criticize refereeing, and nobody else. I think that the KFF Refereeing and Inspectation Department do their work quite good. In recent years, the number of arguements in this regard has sharply decreased. This factor shows an increase in the level of refereeing. You can see that the KFF is fighting against contractual matches, punishing unfair referees, removing them from work for a long time. However, I repeat once again, this great work is done by the specialists of their business. Specially created Referees Committee, which included authoritative persons who care about Kazakhstani football. Each controversial moment was and will be discussed, but not by the main coaches or players. Everyone should do his/her job. We shouldn't blame ther referees of FC ''Irtysh'' because of their latest failures. For this, there is a head coach who trains players. The Kazakhstan Football Federation will be responsible for it and will do everything to ensure that this direction in the competitions held by the KFF and the PFLK is steadily growing," Baishakov said.