Ayan Alzhanov: 'We are creating a unique map of Kazakhstan football fields'

- Mr. Alzhanov, please tell us about the GOL program, which was developed by your Department.
- The GOL program was developed by the Kazakhstan Football Federation following the example of FIFA and UEFA programs Forward and HatTrick. As part of our program, regional associations are allocated funds to develop football and cover their operating expenses.
- What specific tasks should regional associations perform under the GOL program?
- This year, regional associations will receive funds for holding tournaments among private schools in two age categories and free of charge. KFF will inform citizens about the dates of the competitions in each region. Also, our local representatives will regularly meet with representatives of private schools to conclude an agreement of cooperation. I believe that private schools are a reserve for the popularization of football among children.
The regions will also receive funds to organize the monitoring of football lessons in schools. As you know, now the football lesson is introduced in 1,000 schools. At the same time, at the initial stage, schools and teachers of football lessons need high-quality project implementation. In this regard, we have instructed regional associations to monitor lessons. In certain regions of the country, specialists from regional associations already attend the football lessons.
- What other problems may the GOL program solve?
- Today, most regional associations do not have their websites and as a result, there is a lack of information. Accordingly, people do not know where they can get information they need. I believe that the answers to some simple questions will be available on the websites of regional associations. In addition, the websites should contain information about news and events about football, also about current tournaments and projects.
In this regard, one of the requirements for regional associations to obtain additional funds is to launch their own website. We also demand that each association has a long-term strategy for the development of football in the region.
- What can you tell us about any other projects?
- Today, for the qualitative implementation of the Strategy 'Alga, Qazaqstan! Forward, football!', The Federation introduced a project management system. What is the essence of project management? The KFF identifies the problem, develops the right solution and appoints the specialists responsible for the implementation of the project. I will give an example. Everyone knows the problem of the lack of qualified agronomists and fitness doctors. The solution is to conduct relevant training workshops. To solve these problems, the project 'Football Staff' has been developed, implemented by the KFF Technical Center. Actually, the KFF is implementing 15 projects, which can be found on our official website.
- Does the Federation have projects aimed at developing infrastructure?
- Of course, because infrastructure is one of the main issues. In order to develop the infrastructure, first you need to see the whole picture. Currently, the Federation is developing an online map of football facilities. We will try to make this map contain information about all football facilities in Kazakhstan, that is, to have basic information and photos. We have already started and plan to complete until the end of 2019.
I believe that this Map will be useful not only for the Federation and regional associations, but also for the owners of football facilities and, of course, for the population of the country.
For example, suppose in a certain village, according to the Map, there is a field requiring minor repairs. At the same time, there are enough people in the village who want to play football. The federation or regional association will work with local authorities to sort out this problem.
Since the Map is available, the owners of private football facilities will be interested in posting information on our website. And football fans will be able to find the nearest football fields where they can play football. We will try to make the Map as informative and simple in use as possible.