KFF takes part in the FIFA Congress in Bangkok

KFF takes part in the FIFA Congress in Bangkok

17 May 2024, 18:40
The capital of Thailand, Bangkok, hosted the 74th FIFA Congress, which was attended by a delegation of the Kazakhstan Football Federation represented by KFF President Adlet Barmenkulov, General Secretary Andrei Dudin and Director of the International Department Ayan Alzhanov.

The agenda of the Congress included issues on summing up the results of 2023, presenting financial statements for this period, and approving the budget for 2025.

Moreover, FIFA President Gianni Infantino proposed organizing an under-15 football festival open to all 211 FIFA member associations, in addition to the expansion of the current under-20 and under-17 tournaments.

One of the main items on the agenda was the election of the venue for the 2027 Women's World Cup. According to the voting results, Brazil will host the 2027 Women's World Cup.

At the end of the meeting, the FIFA President emphasized the importance of an uncompromising fight against racism, saying that there is no place for discrimination in football. Infantino noted that football must remain a sport that unites people of all races and nationalities, and expressed hope that joint efforts will help eradicate racism from football and make it more inclusive.

The venue for the 2034 FIFA World Cup will be determined at the  next FIFA Congress will be held online on December 11, 2024.
